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      Idea R - Plan your visual communication at 360°


Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

Change language... italiano

Published on 3/28/2013
Categories: Social Media
How to dramatically increase social media LIKEs to your web site

In this article we're going to talk about content lockers, I'll give you the know-how to create one yourself and at the end you'll have the chance to download the JavaScript/jQuery sources and implement it rapidly.

Content lockers were born as an annoying tool for web marketing affiliations: in a nutshell, if you have a blog followed by a large audience, a franchisor might pay you to partially block contents until the reader performs an action, for example compiling a survey or subscribing to a business newsletter. It 'a hateful practice, but generates discete income for many bloggers.

What I propose you is a soft social media content locker, to use with caution and wisdom.

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Published on 10/28/2012
Last update 3/28/2013
Categories: Web Analytics
Tracking Facebook likes with Google Analytics, the real solution!

Social interaction of your customers are very important to analyze their impact on your conversions.
Reading the official Google Analytics developers guide, the solution seems easy but unfortunately the code doesn't work if you are correctly loading the Facebook SDK asynchronously, that's because may be the the SDK is still loading when you subscribe to the event.

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Published on 2/28/2013
Categories: Advertising
Case study: IED Open Day, building a font by hand... literally

IED (Istituto Europeo del Design) is an international network of training centers in the fields of Design, Fashion, Visual Communication and Management.
IED periodically organizes Open Days offering free educational activities that are commonly performed during the academic year, so that guests have the opportunity to attend the lessons that interest them.

For the communication campaign of the Open Day event, we wanted to manifest the diversity of the training offer, identifying the four areas of Design, Fashion, Visual Communication and Management.
Right from the start it was clear that we had to play with materials, we could not limit ourselves to a nice illustration: fashion is made of cloth, photo of paper, design of objects, etc.

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