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Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

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Published on 12/20/2018
Categories: Advertising
Case study: advertising B2B maintenance

 A customer asked us to create an advertising billboard to promote maintenance services on vacuum furnaces.
The problem of maintenance services, in all commodity fields, is that customers tend to bet, they prefer to risk breaking the product and adjust it only if necessary, rather than performing regular preventive maintenance.

It is not easy to break this way of thinking, think of all the e-commerce sites that in the past have tried to sell you an extension to the warranty of the product you were buying: have you ever bought? I never.

Now let's see the creative phases, if you have the patience to read to the end, I will reveal a little secret and a serious mistake not to commit.

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