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Milano Design Week 2017, Design Districts

Pubblicato il 4/19/2017
Milano Design Week 2017, Design Districts

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano.

Another year has passed and here we are again to stroll and to be inspired in the neighborhoods of Fuorisalone 2017.

Ventura Lambrate confirms itself as the neighborhood of low-cost creativity, living proof that good ideas do not always need big capitals.
It will be for my passion for travel, but the corner I liked the James Bond Island by COTTO. If you do not know what I'm talking about, check out my photos of Thaliand.

James Bond Island by COTTO

In Tortona rather big parade, with some exceptions: interesting the space sponsored by eBay, where young designers have had the opportunity to have the spotlight.
Outside the Superstudio area, I've felt in love for the Yanez Design lamp.

Yanez DesignA curiosity, here are two interesting flower pots, one photographed in Ventura and the other one in Tortona.
Which one do you like most?

Flowers - Milano Design Week

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Malya Highback by Alvin Tjitrowirjo (Tortona)

Malya Highback by Alvin Tjitrowirjo (Tortona)

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