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      Idea R - Bring out your brand - Web Marketing strategies


Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

Change language... italiano

Published on 2/26/2017
Categories: Advertising
How to design a FAKE B2C brand for a real B2B service

Is it possible to use guerrilla marketing for B2B (business-to-business)?
In a niche as that of industrial machines, the unconventional marketing finds its application?

I'll show you in this interesting case study how we applied, probably for the first time, guerrilla marketing to the engineering industry. To do so we reasoned out of the box and we have designed a B2C product... a fake one!

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Published on 8/6/2015
Last update 1/5/2017
Categories: Web & Apps
Irritated by your blog performance? Boost it using the cloud!

Often you will find on the web articles that emphasize the benefits of having a fast blog, both for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and to provide a satisfying experience to visitors. The conclusion to which these articles come is that you have to look for a good quality hosting provider. This conclusion is frequently wrong!

In this article I will show you various solutions to switch your blog to a more modern configuration, experiencing performance that you did not think it can get. And do you want to know an interesting news? These solutions may cost less than what you spend today.

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Published on 7/28/2016
Categories: Social Media
Influencer Marketing: all you need to know

Influencer marketing is a great opportunity, especially for small and medium companies.
I will explain to you exactly what it is and, more importantly, I will show you how to identify influencers and integrate them in your digital marketing strategy.

At the end I will also reveal a trick to take advantage of influencers for free.

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Published on 12/19/2015
Categories: Web Design
How to skip the CDN during ASP.NET development
CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) are great to speed up website performances, but they are a mess when you are testing your website on your development machine.
Another problem may arise if you want to change your CDN to another one. Do yoy have to replace all URLs in all your pages?
In this article I'll show you a clever and definitive solution to avoid hardcoding the CDN URLs in your HTML markup.

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