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Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

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Published on 1/19/2012
Categories: Web Design
A infographic sample with ASP.NET

Let's try to create a simple infographic starting from an XML file containing data about the carbon dioxide emissions in Europe.

To position the data on a map, we have to add the latitude and longitude fields for each european country (we have not to be precise).

To use the data we have to load them into an XML data source, using the System.Xml.XmlDataSource object, but the problem is that the object wants the record fields specified as node attributes.

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Published on 5/6/2014
Categories: Advertising
Mental marketing secret #1: the fake compromise

After years of honorable profession in the field of computer science and magic, people often ask me "Do you ever use magic tricks in marketing?"
This article is the first in a series that will teach you how to successfully apply to your marketing campaigns, some tricks that come from magic and mentalism.

Are you sure that you have never been a victim of one of these techniques?

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Categories: SEO
Tags: Infrared CMS
[Free eBook] 50+ tips for getting first on search engines and overtake the competition

In this free eBook I have collected 10 years of experience in website design and search engine optimization.

Learn how to avoid frequent coding and copywriting mistakes that can compromise your positioning on search engines.
Improve your website security for maximum Google compliance.
Get tons of new visitors by improving their user experience.

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