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Published on 12/19/2015
Categories: Web Design
How to skip the CDN during ASP.NET development
CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) are great to speed up website performances, but they are a mess when you are testing your website on your development machine.
Another problem may arise if you want to change your CDN to another one. Do yoy have to replace all URLs in all your pages?
In this article I'll show you a clever and definitive solution to avoid hardcoding the CDN URLs in your HTML markup.

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Published on 7/31/2014
Categories: Web Design
How to fix your ASP.NET site to be responsive on Windows Phone

There is a well-known bug on Internet Explorer 10 for WIndows Phone 8 that avoids responsive web sites to display correctly. The cause is that Internet Explorer 10 doesn't differentiate device width from viewport width, and thus doesn't properly apply the media queries in your favorite responsive CSS framework.
You can find many fixes on the client side, but if you're using ASP.NET, you have the chance to fix it server side with only few lines of code.

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Published on 10/21/2021
Categories: Web & Apps
[Free App] EasySteel: the vacuum heat treatments calculator

EasySteel is a free application, for mobile and desktop devices, useful for creating steel recipes using vacuum heat treatments.

Beyond the fact that it is a very niche application, it is still an opportunity to discover the world of PWAs (Progressive Web App).
A PWA is a hybrid and innovative technology for develop mobile applications, compatible with all smartphones, tablets and even PCs.
The great thing is that all this is achieved at a much lower cost than traditional development tools.

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